Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday 9/7 Chest & Shoulders - My Favorite Day!!

Everyone usually had favorite and least favorite body parts to train.  My least favorite is Legs which fittingly is on the least favorite day of the week - Monday, but at least I get legs & Mondays over with on the same day and get to look forward to my favorite workout on Tuesday.

At this point in my training season, my workouts are pretty much the same week to week as the focus is on fat loss and maintaining the muscle I have.  Any growth at this point is an added feature.

Started off with shoulder warmups with 2.5 pound plaltes and bench press with bar (45 pounds for 20)

Was feeling really good about my Incline Presses...Ann keeps saying Im gonna get those 50's! 

Incline Press - felt good
45x6 (sad face)

Flat Bench
Warmup with bar (45x20)
95 x 12
105 x 10
115 x 10
115 x 8

Low Cable Flys (i never liked these - I perfered the high cable fly but these are growing on me)
25 (each side) x 15 (3 sets)
Personal best this week in weight and reps!!!

Flat Flys
15 (each arm) x 12
15 x 12
20 x 12 (time to start with 20's next week!)

I took 2 Amino Acids after my Chest workout to help recover before I started Shoulders.

I love running the rack with side raises.  This week I raised the starting weight from 20 to 25!!

Side Raise
25 (each arm) x 6
20 x 8
15 x 10
10 x 15
5 x 20

Another favorite of mine, esp since you can use so many different pieces of equipment to this is the Upright Row.  This week I used DB's and increased the weight from last on my last set.

Upright Row
20 (each arm) x 10
20 x 10
25 x 6
Personal best in reps and volume

Rear Delt Raise
15 (each arm) x 10 (3 sets)

That finished my weight training


1/3 c Old fashioned oats
with 2/3 c Egg whites mixed in
calorie free Walden syrup

Early Lunch @ 11 am
I didn't bring anything to work today which stinks, I had to deal with Cafe food. So I got a Chicken Ceaser Salad with my own Calorie free dressing.  I threw away the croutons and dumped out the parmesean cheese.  So I was left with Romain lettuce and what looked to be about 3 oz of chicken (I sh have brought my scalel) But for $4.99 I doubt there was more than 3 oz of chicken breast.

Late Lunch @ 2:30 pm
Happy to report they had perfectly portioned 4oz fresh salmon that they cooked dry for me.  I put that atop the remaining lettuce from early lunch

Dinner @ 8:15
I was soooo hungry when I got home.  I cooked up 4oz steak (top round) and 1/3 c brown rice w/1 tsp olive oil.  I had a couple ounces of cashews while I waited.  I got my gallon of water in by the time I got home so anything else is extra.  Ill probably have a cup of tea later as its now 9pm and Im still hungry, I might just go to bed.

Oh I almost forgot, 5 people noticed I was losing weight and gaining muscle!!!  That was a very welcome surprise today, esp since I was thinking this food/diet thing is really getting old!!  I have my list of "food" i want after the show, they are, in no specific order:
  • Coffee Roll from dunkin donuts
  • Brownie ice cream sundea with hot fudge, marshmellow & butterscotch topping
  • Bertucci's shrimp pizza
  • crackers & hummus
  • guacamole and whole grain tortilla chips
  • dinner @ Fengs  - Asian Bistro with kim & bing!!!
  • MARGARHITTA(S)!!!!!!!!

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